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Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. ISBN American Journal of Physical Anthropology, John Polk. Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. ISBN Edited by Ul- the social functions of copulation among a species of rich H. Reichard and Christophe Boesch. New socially monogamous birds razorbills visiting mat- York: Cambridge University Press.
ing arenas. Somner looks at the nature and causes of ISBN social monogamy of the Malagasy jumping rat. Kays uses radio telemetric, night vision, and molecular Because this book largely succeeds in summariz- data to study monogamy among the kinkajou, a ing the state of the bird and mammal monogamous mammalian carnivore of Panama.
Sun presents de- union, it may prove the new standard-bearer for mographic and behavioral data on beavers. Finally, research on monogamy. This book contains 16 chap- Kishimoto examines monogamy among the solitary ters addressing both the theoretical foundations for ungulate, the serow, of Japan. monogamy and a rich taxonomic spread of bird and In addition to the introductory chapters, those in mammalian natural history on the topic.
Low begins this section plemented by genetic paternity analyses, princeton university press free download pdf. Analyses by considering human monogamy in cross-cultural relying on phylogenetic patterns of mating systems perspective.
She provides a discussion of the chal- are also used to reconstruct evolutionary scenarios lenges comparing human with nonhuman data on of monogamy. mating systems, and presents cross-cultural pat- The introductory chapter provides a dense, well- terns of monogamy and its social correlates, princeton university press free download pdf, such as documented discussion of social monogamy that an- dowry.
It shows the value of distinguish- scriptive ethnography and quantitative data on the ing social, sexual, and genetic monogamy. It argues Dogon of Mali. These data suggest an interesting for three main contributors to social monogamy: pa- story, including costs to Dogon women of polygy- ternal care, access to resources, and partner choice. nous, as opposed to monogamous, marriage. He finds quantitative support for the poten- into monogamy. The chapter concludes that there are multiple pathways to monogamy rather than a tial for polygyny; since gibbons are nonetheless so- uniform process.
cially monogamous, he attempts to advance alterna- This chapter opens princeton university press free download pdf Part 1 of the volume, tive means of understanding this pattern. months annually and caches its offspring. This spe- Some of this material overlaps too much with the cies is socially monogamous but appears to engage introductory chapter, despite adding theoretical in a high frequency of EPFs. The chapter by Brotherton and other topics, princeton university press free download pdf, the costs of infant care.
Van Schaik and Kappeler champion infanti- As impressive as the theoretical and empirical cide as the main cause of social monogamy in content of this volume is, unanswered questions re- primates, relying primarily on phylogenetic analy- main.
For instance, why focus on monogamy rather ses to support their views. Ribble focuses on the than mating systems more broadly? Many of the genus Peromyscus, and particularly the socially mo- chapters discuss both monogamy and polygyny, and nogamous California mouse, describing male re- key models for monogamy view it as the inability of moval experiments, and discrepancies between lab- males to achieve polygyny given female distribu- oratory and field data.
This chapter also points to tions, princeton university press free download pdf. Considerations like these show how princeton university press free download pdf the distinction between the origin and maintenance twined monogamy and polygyny may be.
More of social monogamy. BOOK REVIEWS Second, how does one convincingly test alterna- and even some of the theoretical foundations fall tive hypotheses of monogamy? This is no trivial outside a primate scope, this body of princeton university press free download pdf may stim- question when authors within the same volume ulate fresh approaches to human and nonhuman reach drastically different views regarding the rela- primate data.
For example, a repeated conclusion is tive merits of alternative hypotheses e, princeton university press free download pdf. Such an inference casts doubt on scenar- Brotherton and Komers discounting it among mam- ios of human pair bonding that view the origin of mals generally. Experimental studies described in such bonds as caused by direct paternal care of, say, the volume, including male removal studies, manip- large-brained altricial offspring.
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ternity analyses and field endocrine studies as ways PETER GRAY to better test alternatives, and such additional tech- Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism, and niques may help avoid a confusing morass of alter- Molecular Medicine native interpretations of similar data which Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science plagued the discussion of princeton university press free download pdf in this volume.
Los Angeles, California Third, how relevant is this volume to physical anthropologists? For researchers interested in the evolution and ecology of primate monogamy or hu- DOI Although many of the empirical examples www.
Edited by Andreas D. Francis Ouellette. New York: John to computer neophytes e. ISBN advantages of e-mail, p. this text. Still, other discussions are surprisingly helpful, such as the description of file transfer pro- Although bioinformatics is advancing at a rapid tocol FTP p.
lished instill provides an excellent introduc- These chapters are useful because they explain each tion to the many methods utilized in the field. The component of the current data models and data- volume aims to educate scientists on how to mine, bases, which are rife with abbreviations and obscure elements. Even anthropologists familiar with the analyze, and interact with DNA, gene expression, National Center for Biotechnology NCBI data- and protein data.
The book provides a detailed ex- bases are likely to learn something useful from these planation of a wide range of analytical techniques in chapters. a clear and methodical framework, including lists of Chapters 7—9 treat information retrieval and websites, recommended computer programs, and alignment of DNA and protein data. These chapters flowcharts.
However, the these data, and provide a straightforward guide for text does not provide an in-depth mathematical or how to conduct these data-mining and analytical statistical treatment of any the individual analyses. Most of the techniques addressed are Therefore, anthropologists should look to this book immediately useful for molecular anthropologists, as a vehicle for learning a bioinformatics analysis or though it was disappointing not to find discussion of technique, but not for gaining additional expertise local blast searching, a technique which searches a in an already familiar area.
Interestingly, most au- locally made database of sequences. Instead, the thors provided some treatment of the biological and usefulness of not maintaining local databases of evolutionary context for each individual analysis—a DNA sequences is emphasized. For many anthropo- welcome surprise that both enhanced the readabil- logical questions, making and searching a local da- ity of the book and also hinted at applications of tabase would be very helpful, princeton university press free download pdf, such as a local data- these techniques beyond bioinformatics.
base of all primate mitochondrial genomes. actually find the UNIX instructions most helpful. Nev- The remaining chapters, save the final one, all ertheless, this chapter was an outstanding introduc- deal with bioinformatics data analyses. For example, netic Analysis. Though the readers may want to supplement this chapter with an chapter would be a useful introduction to the ana- entire book devoted to the programming language, lytical aspects of molecular phylogenetics for a phys- along with a text on basic UNIX commands.
For most molecular anthro- surrounding phylogenetic analysis. Pedagogically, this existing strengths many anthropologists would volume would serve well as part of a graduate-level bring to this book.
Un- pology. However, as investigators gain expertise in a derstanding gene expression has been an area of particular bioinformatics tool or procedure, the text special interest to physical anthropologists since the would require supplementation with additional hypothesis of King and Wilson that changes technical readings.
in gene regulation are the major driver of phenotypic change in the hominid lineage, not individual amino MICHAEL E. STEIPER acid replacements. University of New York The final chapter describes Perl, a computing lan- New York, New York guage with the power to turn tedious computing tasks into simple algorithmic scripts. King M-C, Wilson AC. Evolution at two levels in humans and chimpanzees. Science — Perhaps Stein could have spent additional time de- scribing this, or pointed readers toward a website or another introductory text.
A second minor issue is the DOI terface with Perl. Since the introduction of the UNIX- interscience. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univer- intuitive, princeton university press free download pdf, informative, entertaining, and thorough sity Press.
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